The Long Night
By LidiaPerron
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • dark
  • darkmagic
  • fantasy
  • love
  • magic
  • strong-female-character
  • strong-woman


Gemma is a young and talented student of the magic crafts. Her diligence is impeccable, as is her long list of abilities. She is young, healthy, fit. She has know nothing but magic arts for her whole life, she can quote books obscure to most other human beings, and can control the magic flow like no one, not even her teachers, were ever even interested in doing. So her question in pretty simple - why wasn't she allowed to go fight at the front, like her friends and fellow students and Masters? Why isn't she allowe to fight a war that will decide her future and the future of the State? The answer is just as simple - she has another mission. Which she doesn't approve of. But of course, that's not something she'll complain about. --- This is an exercise, and an experiment, and the reason why I use a pseudonym - I have a reputation to defend. Anyway, this story is different than my previous ones. I'm writing it as it comes to my mind and - though I d have an idea of what will happen in the future - I'm letting the characters guide me for the most part. Which is why some names (especially places and institutions) might be changed through the course of the story. Bear with me. You're in for a ride.

1. The Building

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The Long...
by LidiaPerron