Confessions of a Wa...
By Sophtbit
  • Teen Fiction


"Emilie, JT is staring at you," Cassidy gushes into the open, everyone in the hallway freezes, eyes turning to my scarlett face. Sometimes I wanted to take her mouth and sew it shut, but she was right, he was inexplicably staring right at me. Me. I suddenly feel the need to smooth the wrinkles of my shirt and quickly comb my fingers through my hair, but that would look desperate so I force myself to turn away from his probing gaze and continue stacking the books into my locker as though nothing happened. Elizabeth grabs my upper arm, her talons for nails cutting off my circulatory flow, "He's coming this way." Another obvious connotation from a friend, I observed, but there he is taking sure strides in my general direction. Even though I tried to play it cool, I'm the shy type, and I found myself flustered with an uncontrolled palpitation skipping in my heart. Jones Terrel was not only approaching me, he was smiling at me, that realisation made a nervous mess of my body. What on earth am I going to do? * Emilie Mabel Blue is perfect - perfectly average. With long auburn hair and pale green eyes, beautiful was never applied to her. It's not that she isn't pretty, rather she is very shy. Emilie Blue is the girl that hides in the background of more exciting people, but everything changes when the affections of a golden boy drive her to new heights of daring. She starts morphing into something so far from herself that she finds her parents unable to trust her, her friends disappointed, and the love right in front of her drifting away. Emilie still has to learn that true love doesn't expect you to change, it accepts you. So isn't it just typical for problems this big to start with a boy?

Confessions of a Wallflower

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by Sophtbit