Brothers | Coming S...
By BitterAsSweet
  • General Fiction
  • adorable
  • brothers
  • cute
  • drugs
  • drunk
  • dysfunctional
  • family
  • fathers
  • fiction
  • littlesister
  • money
  • mothers
  • protective
  • sister


Lia is just a child wanting to live out her forever days as if it were a dream itself. She was just a happy little girl living up to her imagination with her ginger red hair and a bright joyous smile that her brothers adored. She loved laughing at the silliest and brightest of things and loved hearing all of the rambunctious stories her brothers told before bed, despite how ridiculous and out of this world they sounded. She was just a kid. But even kids themselves have troublesome times. Living with only her brothers, Lia is starting to wonder why her life isn't like her fellow peers. Filled with constant police and CPS visits, a troublesome brother, and family secrets, it leaves the little girl curious and her mind wandering, because at the end of the day she is just a child. And that leaves her to embark on a long journey to find out the true meaning of family and what it means to be loved. Enjoy an everlasting tale of a little girl with a freckly face and big doughy blue eyes facing the big world with family by her side. ©BitterAsSweet

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by BitterAsSweet