The Story Of Us
By WrinisterMarty
  • Fantasy
  • dolls
  • fantasy
  • justwriteit
  • lovetriangle
  • music
  • nvlstsjuneawards
  • sytycw15
  • tragedy


I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us. ~ Taylor Swift Long time ago, dolls and humans lived in harmony together. Dolls happily served humans because it was in this way that they felt their essence in the world. Everything was working peacefully and productively until some egocentric and unsatisfied humans began to abuse the dolls' service and used dolls as media to cause pain towards other humans. The practice was known as the"dark magick of witchcraft." Eventually the King of the Doll world then initiated a cold war against humans. With it was the decree that no Doll should be found associated with any human being anymore thus ending the harmony between the Human world and the Doll world. This cold war resulted to physical violence and the onslaught of a number of dolls. The war called the attention of Fate---God. Hence, to settle the dispute, both Humans and Dolls were punished. Humans should not depend on the help of the Dolls anymore. They have to work on their own to survive. Dolls on the other hand would have to find their soulmates or their other halves in the midst of the Human World instead of their world. For centuries, Dolls have been living among the humans in search for their Fated One. Once they find each other, they'll in eternal bliss in Serene if not, then they'll have to endure the lifelong punishment in Quietus---only there is no death in there. Will Lawrence find his Fated One before his time ends? Or will he let himself fail his mission to be with a human? After five years of waiting, can Jade still hold on to the promise she made with Dustin? Or will she let go of the memory and go on with her life? Can Dustin really return from Serene and back to the Human world? Or will he only leave his promise with Jade unfulfilled?


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The Story...
by WrinisterMarty