Tainted Growth (DIS...
By chickensarerad
  • Romance
  • drama
  • fiction
  • girlxgirk
  • gxg
  • heartbreak
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • lgbt-themed
  • lgbtfiction
  • lgbtpride
  • love
  • relationships
  • romance
  • school
  • sequel


It's been well over a year since Samantha Sumner left everything behind to start anew with her father. Attending a private school in peace, Samantha lives a drama free life with her small circle of friends as she nears her eighteenth birthday. However, she can't run from her troubles without them hitting her full force, unravelling all that she's tried to forget about. Unfortunately, fate doesn't want Samantha to live a normal life, as it throws back all the people that she's worked so hard to get rid of. Within the sequel to Tainted Innocence, Samantha Sumner will ultimately learn why you can't run from your problems. A story of relationships, renewed heartbreak, confused emotions, and the strength of forgiveness follows the romantic voyage Samantha will take in order to truly be happy. This is a girlxgirl story. This is also Book Two: Tainted Growth to the Tainted Innocence series. I strongly recommend readers to read Book One: Tainted Innocence in order to follow this story.


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Tainted G...
by chickensarerad