Ask Neptune, friend...
By Soejammy
  • Fanfiction
  • author
  • blanc
  • hyperdimensionneptunia
  • nepgear
  • neptune
  • noire
  • ram
  • rom
  • uni
  • vert


Soejammy: *Phone rings and doesn't know the caller* Huh... I wonder who this is...? *Answers the call* Hello? Neptune (Over phone): Hey there pal. *eats one of the year supply of pudding that was given to her* Soejammy: Neptune?? How are- Wait just a minute!! How did you get my number?! Neptune (Over phone): I have my ways. Don't even question how. Soejammy: You scare me sometimes Neptune... So why are you calling?? Neptune (Over phone): Okay, I have an idea for another segment. This one is a continuous and doesn't matter how long it is. Soejammy: *drinks some chocolate milk* Go on. Neptune (Over phone): I was thinking... of a Question Corner. Where we gather the group that people ask to or for dares, and pranks to give us some down time from the main story. How about it? Soejammy: Hmm... You all do deserve a some time to relax now and then... Why not. Could be fun. Neptune (Over phone): You can even join in Soejammy. Soejammy: Huh... Never thought about answering questions... But I'll give it a try. Disclaimer: Soejammy does not own any material, franchise to any series or characters already created. The use of the stuff is strictly for entertainment use and any material rightfully belongs to it's original owners.


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Ask Neptu...
by Soejammy