Tweek Tweak, the new kid who moved into the quiet mountain town of South Park. When he first moved here, he thinks that the place was nice and peaceful, not like the big cities which he hates so much. Tweek is a very anxious, twitchy, and jumpy boy. He doesn't have any friends, not even once. But when he first visit the school, he made friends with a kid named Leopold Stotch, or Butters is what people call him. But then, he got into an unexpected visit by the bullies in the school, and before he gotten beaten up, someone got onto him and saved him from the upcoming attack by the bullies. Tweek thanked him, but the boy just looked at him, with an emotionless expression, then he soon walk away. When Tweek did a little bit of research, he found out that the boy's name is Craig. Craig Tucker. Tweek wanted to know more about this boy, and maybe make a difference. And it led to an unexpected friendship, then to a deeper, much deeper relationship. ~~~~~ All the characters belong to their respectful owners (Trey Parker and Matt Stone, of South Park Studios) The title photo does not belong to me as well. (Depressed!Craig x Tweek) I hope you all enjoy~!
Chapter I