Why it was a wrong...
By anacarla
  • Teen Fiction


Her name is Kim, she lives in Mexico and she's finishing her first year in university. The dream of all her life is that, when she starts her second year, move to England, and she will. She is just 17, and her parents hesitated at first, but then said that probably that was the best for her. New life, new people, an apartment just for her and her best friend Tina. But in her hometown she does not just leave her family and friends, she also left the person who loves, or she thinks so. But nobody can change her idea of moving to another country just because, if someone gets mad with her for finally make true the dream of all her life and tells her to stay... she doesn't care. She will go. She HAS to go. It absolutely is the best for her, or at least, that is what she thinks.

Why it was a wrong decision?

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Why it wa...
by anacarla