Under The Moon
By IngeborgEdblad
  • Fantasy
  • drama
  • fantasy
  • känslor
  • monster
  • äventyr


Many million years ago, before mankind, before dinosaurs, there was three powerful creatures. It was the oldest one, the most powerful of them all then came the twins and together they were called the Alfa's. They were the first to ever walk this earth but even them had a creator, to them it was their father. The father was afraid of the oldest one, she was strong, even stronger than himself so he had her locked away. The twins were left to walk the earth, to see the world flourish. One of the twins, Morhue, watched how the humans had their belief of god, he got envious and greed got to his head. He saw himself as a god and made the humans think so to, he made them worship him. His twin sister however saw her brothers tyranny, she wanted to stop him but wasn't strong enough. Morhue was gaining power from the humans worshiping him. Rashka, the sister, asked the father of help but he refused and left Rashka in the fate of her grim brothers hands.

Chapter 1

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Under The...
by IngeborgEdblad