An evening in Port...
By Tessie424
  • Fanfiction
  • fantasylife
  • level5
  • nintendo
  • orlando
  • portpuerto
  • readerxorlando


Reader X Orlando! You first met Orlando back when you were a Fledgling, riding into Port Puerto on the back of a Castellian rental horse, both steed and rider worn out and covered in dirt. Seeing a young woodcutter, leaning on the handle of his axe and wiping his forehead under a Palm tree, you dismounted to ask directions to the nearest inn. Startled, Orlando turned to you with a horrified stare. He pointed to the main street, turned away from you, and resumed his attack on the unlucky Palm tree. Eventually as he warmed up to you, you found yourself coming more often to Port Puerto to talk to him. One day, he worked up the courage to ask if he could join your adventures every now and again. Now, he has finally asked you to a date! Disclaimer: I do not own Orlando the Woodcutter or Fantasy Life, including Port Puerto, Mt Snowpeak, Nautilus Cave and the Elderwoods. Fantasy Life is the property of Level 5. Constructive comments welcome. Enjoy!

An evening in Port Puerto

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An evenin...
by Tessie424