Life Without Robin...
By Frogman417
  • Romance
  • bbstar
  • beastboy
  • starfire
  • teentitans
  • titans


Robin has moved on from the Teen Titans, leaving the other four alone and grieving for the loss of their friend. This is especially difficult for Starfire, who has to learn to live without the presence of the man she loved. Things aren't easy for Beast Boy either, who finds himself taking on much more responsibility with the departure of his leader, something he doesn't know he can handle. On top of it all, a new danger is coming to Jump City, one the Titans thought had been taken care of long ago. With it all, Garfield and Kori will need to find a way to adapt and accept their new life without their strong, vocal leader, and it will come in a way they didn't expect. I do not claim to own anything of the Teen Titans, except for the story. The world and characters do not belong to me. Non-Mature rating may be subject to change as the story goes on, fair warning here. Credit goes to BeastGreen on Deviantart for the swell artwork, go check them out here


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Life With...
by Frogman417