Spirit Animals: The...
By Warriors0313
  • Fanfiction
  • abeke
  • conor
  • devin
  • finn
  • freya
  • lenori
  • meilin
  • riza
  • rollan
  • spiritanimals


The Keeper or Freya Wiseheart, a young tribe girl in Amaya, was about to discover if she has a spirit animal bond, a rare link between human and beast that gives great powers to both. Freya had saw a flash of light and then her spirit animal emerged. A tigress. Freya had summoned a beast of legend. Now her fate is set. The new heroine and her spirit animal must band together on dangerous quests. A dark force from the past is rising, but she and the Four Heroes only have the power to stop it. But Freya Wiseheart and Devin Trunswick had both crossed paths once, but as friends. But the second time, they had crossed again as enemies. But when Devin returned as a boy named Worthy, could she really trusts him? After they all had been through together? (Don't worry, I'm writing for fun).

Prologue: A Vision

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Spirit An...
by Warriors0313