The Lost Fairies: B...
By Royal676111
  • Fantasy
  • asherah
  • dragons
  • fairies
  • fairy
  • fantasy
  • unicorns


Once there was peace where Magic,Unicorns,Dragons and Fairies lived together along side the humans. Until Lord Dominus started hunting down the Unicorns,Dragons and Magic users into extinction within his Kingdom while the Fairies were forced into hiding. Soon children were being taught that Magic users,Unicorns,Dragons and Fairies were nothing but evil. Asherah is a fairy who was taken by the humans at a very young age and was kept captive inside a tall stone tower. Asherah slowly aged inside her cell while she was given nothing but a piece of hard bread,a bowl of soup and a cup of water. All of them were not healthy for her to eat but she is forced to. Otherwise she will starve. But one day...something has happened that will change her life forever.

Chapter 1: Imprisonment

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The Lost...
by Royal676111