By Nermie0
  • Fanfiction
  • aeondreamstudios
  • chapter3
  • fanfic
  • four
  • premium
  • seven
  • tteots


This is a short story inspired by the Premium version of To the Edge of the Sky, Chapter 3. This story assumes that you have selected Operative Four in the first training session with Dr. Park in the prologue, and also towards the end of Chapter 3. (Premium version only) This story takes place at the very end of chapter 3 after you have left the club and are back at headquarters. For clarity reasons, the name 'Evren', the original name of the character you play, is used in this story when need be. **Please note that the rating was changed to 'Mature' for the 6th chapter (Propinquity). Everything before that is perfectly fine for anyone. Nothing explicit but might be inappropriate for some audiences. This is was supposed to be a one shot at the beginning but after suffering through some serious withdrawal while waiting for Chapter 4 to come out, I decided to continue the story. I do not own the characters depicted in this story, they are all property of Aeon Dream Studios. This is a fan fiction based on their beautiful work.

Sleepless night

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by Nermie0