Here Lie's The...
By The-Crazy-Book-Nerd
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • danger
  • death
  • fantasy
  • fun
  • horror
  • love
  • magic
  • realms
  • romance


"I told you to leave me alone." I said firmly, to the guy standing in front of me. And some how I had ended up in the damp dark dead end ally behind the town supermarket. And my gut was telling me to find a way to get the hell out of there. "But I can't not untill you give me the book." I had never been more clueless in my life. What book was he talking about? I had no book with me. This guy has to be mental. "Hey I'm sorry, but I have no clue what book you are talking about." I said trying not to let fear seep into my voice as he slowly aproched me. I was cornered. "Fine if you won't give me the book then I'll take it by force." Out of know where the man lunged for me grabbing me around the waist. My body hit the hard pavement with a loud smack. Befor I could recover the guy was on top of me with his hands around my thought. It did not matter how hard I thrashed my arms and legs he had me pinned. My vision started to go black around the eyes I tried to take a breath but no know avail. The last thing I saw was the guys devilish grin plastered across his face befor I blacked out. This was the end for me or so I thought......

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Here Lie...
by The-Crazy-Book-Nerd