To Kill The King
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • assasins
  • competition
  • fantasy
  • game
  • hunters
  • king
  • kingdoms
  • knights
  • mystery
  • sorcerers
  • strategy


Among the four divided continents, Is the continent of spring, the land of blossoms, that contains almost twenty-five countries and kingdoms. Where Heilig kingdom resides, A kingdom that gave tension to nearby countries because of its Reigning king, Cronollius Heinox the great conqueror He conquered five kingdoms after he reigned as king for the past fifteen years. But massacres only one kingdom, Vergissmein kingdom. The wicked event that results the death of more than thousands. It left no other trace of existence other than Renz, The last one of his kind. He woke up in a state of oblivion where he don't have any memories of himself or anyone else about him. He decided to live a life as a guild member and spent two years hunting and accomplishing quests but his past still haunts him in his nightmares suffering the years with pain and sorrow with vague visions until he decided to accomplish the biggest quest in his life, The king of heilig kingdom, Cronollius Announced on the uncountable crowd an insane arbitrary game, "To kill me is to claim my throne! Come forth ye mighty warriors! Knights and sorcerers! Witches and warlocks! Transient wizards! Or be it fellow rulers, dukes and kings! Whether it be in the land of droughts; fall, the white lands; winter, the tropical continent: summer! Or any of the remaining countries of the land of blossoms; spring! Anyone! Everyone! Have courage to be participants to this little game of mine! To render me helpless by murder!" Renz wanting to know a clear thought behind the oblivion of his extinct kind, decided to become a participant of the game. It's easier to be explained than to be done because for some reason the king seems to be immortal. To kill the king or to be killed by the king! This is the start of Renz and his companions' journey on how TO KILL THE KING A/N : I revised and edited this story and is still editing. Btw,I will be posting this on >>>JRS<<<

Prologue: Oblivion

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