Lose you to Love me...
By Frosty-Cinnamon
  • Romance
  • acceptance
  • anxietydisorder
  • cheatingboyfriends
  • cliches
  • cute
  • drama
  • family
  • fluff
  • friendship
  • heartbreak
  • kids
  • lgbt
  • loss
  • loveatfirstsight
  • marriage
  • nightmares
  • projectgiggle
  • rejection
  • romance
  • secondchance
  • university
  • wattys2019


Between trying to be independent in Uni, fighting nightmares and anxiety, Jane-Tashely had never given love the time of day, she already had her plate full for a young girl and she thought all she needed was the love that she got from her parents and little brother BUT that was before Shawn came along. He was everything Jane-Tashely was not, he was loud, confident, popular and he made it his mission to get to know and he succeeds but then somethings happens that leaves Jane completely crushed. Will their love for each other be enough to stand strong against mental health, unfaithfulness, exes, distance, and career paths, or will Jane realize that sometimes those you love and trust the most are the ones who will hurt you most?


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Lose you...
by Frosty-Cinnamon