The Boy Who Could N...
By WillowKeeper
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • blood
  • bloodtw
  • canadian
  • complete
  • completed
  • lgbt
  • lgbtq
  • original
  • originalstory
  • psych
  • psychological
  • sci-fi
  • scifi
  • thriller
  • ya


COMPLETED! ORIGINAL STORY Other than the fact that he can't die, Nathan is an ordinary 17-year-old. Since he was eight years old, he's lived with his mentor, Simon, while working for the public safety giant called Willow Corp. He's been on countless missions before with almost constant success, but his next task is quite new for him: find recruiters working with Immedium Group, Willow Corp.'s rival. The difficult part: the recruiters are located in Richmond Secondary School, a posh school located in Richmond, Virginia. For the first time in his life, Nathan has to act like a teenager. Once there, Nathan needs to focus on the mission, but his life starts to come apart with newfound freedom, rebellious thoughts, and reoccurring dreams that might mean much more. Enter Nathan's mind as he navigates secondary school life, battling friends, enemies, teachers, and himself in this psychological thriller. Enjoy!

Part 1: First Days

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The Boy W...
by WillowKeeper