She wont get betwee...
By lukie_hemmoski
  • Romance


Kate and Jake USED to be together. Until he kinda upset her and her brothers and became very violent. Then she decided she wanted to do acting. She got and audition through her best friend Rydel lynch to be Austin's girlfriend on Austin and ally!!! She kisses Ross as a line in the script but that leads to more. now Ross and Kate are dating but is their someone else who feels the same way? In one episode Laura steals a kiss from Ross thinking that would break Kate and Ross but it didn't. Will she calm down or will she go a little 'Cray Cray'. You once said she won't get between us but that was confident because you didn't know the power hidden inside Laura. Now will it be 'She won't get between us... maybe?'

Chapter 1

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She wont...
by lukie_hemmoski