The Fall of Man: Sv...
By NaoraLigrults
  • Science Fiction
  • adult
  • blood
  • cataclysm
  • drugs
  • extinction
  • femaleprotagonist
  • fight
  • firstperson
  • germanprotagonist
  • gore
  • men
  • outbreak
  • viral
  • virus
  • women


The world as we know it has changed. it started with the introduction of anti-bodies that sped up the bodies own healing capabilities to combat various life-threatening viruses, parasites and bacteria. This new onslaught of of mankind caused the mutation of a common virus, causing the virus to become incurable and caused the death of nearly three billion seven hundred twenty-one million people, all of which were males. This cause the remaining males that were infected with the virus to become the object of every country's request and desire. Soon after the one-billion mark of male deaths, war broke out pinning blame on the outbreak on other countries. Russia ended up going silent along with several other countries including China, Sudan, Iran, and Iraq. Soon after the death toll reached 1.6 billion Great Britain, France, Japan, Germany, and a handful of other countries started establishing 'Safe Zones' where the M4n-F477 (now dubbed the "Man Fall virus") couldn't infiltrate. Those 'Safe Zones' soon became 'Safe-Havens' and soon after became the number one facilities in combating the virus. A Safe Haven in Germany made breakthroughs with manipulating the Man Fall Virus into something else that only effects women, but in such a way that women can now be utilized to combat the mutations of men that have arisen around the world feeding of the flesh of the women who once tried to save them. Now that the women of the world are fighting back against this mutated virus, what would happen if they found out that this was just a stepping stone to an even bigger event to come in the future...? For now, Svenja Jäger must do what she can to stop the virus from taking over and eliminating the entire male world populace.

Svenja Jäger

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The Fall...
by NaoraLigrults