Mr. Kettle and the...
By Waterybeans
  • Fantasy
  • animation
  • fantasy
  • funny
  • home
  • humor
  • kitchen
  • love
  • together


My Name is Sanchez and I am from the Kettle Clan, my makers are from Spain and they really made me very fairly sexy and stainless, with a very loud mouth, though I don't like to gossip all the time, it is in my nature to do so and all the stories and rants in this story are just fragments of my daily encounters, my experiences and the reality of the world I live in. I have a really beautiful family, but don't worry, you will get to know them as you read on. For now, all I can say is that the main objective of the Kitchen, is to make the Household Happy. Though we know we can't accomplish it alone and we can only create happiness from our own small space of the Household, the Kitchen, a place where our sight, perspective, view and knowledge of the home is very limited. We can only create the Happiness we can see. But in the end, we have to keep trying, you know what they say "A Household That Eats Good Food is a Happy Home".

Chapter 1: The Kitchen and The Devices

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Mr. Kettl...
by Waterybeans