Baton Rouge.
By Bhettiboop
  • Romance
  • romance


Bad boy, good girl, cliche happily ever after ending right? Well, not with Melissa and Jionni. One boy is free to do whatever he wants, while the other is sheltered and has her every move watched by her parents. At Baton Rouge High School, "hood boy" Jionni and his friends aren't too fond of the only girl in school who has money, referring to her as a "silver spoon child." But after Jionni has a change of heart, he and the rich girl decides to keep it a secret that they hang out on a regular. After hanging out for some time, the two starts to find interests in things that they never bothered with before. Once their friends and family start to wonder why they're changing and acting out of character, they start to do their own secret investigation to find out what's REALLY happening with the two. It all goes down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. ;)

Chapter 1 - Bullied!

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Baton Rou...
by Bhettiboop