The Voice Mail
By ColdTeacup
  • Teen Fiction
  • bad
  • bestfriends
  • luck
  • mail
  • parallel
  • shouldnt
  • stuff
  • things
  • voice
  • wish
  • world


Miles and Eloise are considered bestfriends,after all.It just annoys me seeing them text each other all day.I mean,I'm the little sister,It all started in prom when they suddenly began texting each other day by day and I got tired of it! I hate seeing them talk to each other.I even wished that something would take them away to a place that they can't talk to each other again! Uh oh. But I actually did a veeeeery big mistake on that.... (laughs nervously) I just wished right? I didn't go below the belt right? Oh gosh...fine! FINE! Something did take them away to a place one day and the person called "Number" had given me a bad voicemail with a few edits to not know the person speaking,genius I gotta tell. BUT HEY, HEEY I DIDN'T WANT THEM TO DIE LIKE SERIOUSLY I DIDN'T WANT THEM TO D I E.


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The Voice...
by ColdTeacup