Dreams in Monochrom...
By taivaan_sininen
  • Science Fiction
  • artificialintelligence
  • cyberpunk
  • cyberspace
  • hacking
  • morality
  • newelysium
  • romance-friendship
  • sciencefiction
  • scifi


In a world where nothing comes for free, the only thing that can't be bought is a real, human connection, and the only thing of true worth is an honest word. But when forced to make a choice between doing the wrong thing for the right reason, and doing the right thing but forsaking those you love, can there ever be a right decision? In the city of Eos, the lines between black and white, right and wrong, love and hate, all blur together like the bright neon lights that bask the dark streets in their mesmerizing glow. And where black and white meet, a world in monochrome is born. Theo has long since abandoned his career as a cybercriminal, and an important promise made in the past keeps him tied to the life of a law-abiding citizen. But when his talents catch the attention of the enigmatic hacker group 'Electric Eye' and their charismatic leader Nova, he is forced to question his own sense of right and wrong, the morality of his actions and the ties that bind him. ____ This story will tell the tale of Nova, a character from "Against the Tide": https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/143490393-against-the-tide-a-new-elysium-story (reading this first is recommended to understand the context) Both stories are spin-offs to @Red_Leasia 's "New Elysium" https://www.wattpad.com/story/106699395-new-elysium (not absolutely necessary to understand this story, but recommended)

Prologue: Heart On

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Dreams in...
by taivaan_sininen