Valiant {Book Two o...
By kasiapeia_
  • Fanfiction
  • amelia
  • bbcsherlock
  • bbcsherlockfanfiction
  • brilliant
  • fanfiction
  • incandescent
  • john
  • sherlock
  • sherlockbbc
  • sherlockholmes
  • sherlockxoc
  • sisterfic
  • trilogy
  • watson


Vatican cameos--those were the last words Sherlock Holmes had spoken before he'd fallen from St Bartholomew's Hospital roof, and Amelia has spent the last two and a half years trying to figure out what he meant. At long last, she's started to move on from the death of the man who changed her everything, and take a hold of her life. John's about to get engaged-if everything went to plan-and everything has started to settle down. But when Sherlock reveals himself to the Watsons that he is very much alive, Amelia's life spirals into chaos once more. There's a scarlet thread of murder and secrets running through the colourless skein of life, and it is the trio's job to unravel it, and isolate it. But as clues about the case are revealed, so are secrets of Amelia, John, and Sherlock's pasts-secrets that might just tear the trio apart. Loyalties are put to the test, and secrets that should've been kept in the shadows are brought into the light, and with those secrets come two horrifying criminals, bent on corrupting the trio beyond repair. Vatican cameos. Battle stations. Someone's going to die. [This story is canon-divergent following Series 3 of SHERLOCK.]


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Valiant {...
by kasiapeia_