The Unexplainable S...
By Imtheone16
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  • playboys
  • school
  • teen
  • unique


Meet Pippa Lawrence, your oh-so-typical indoor girl who is a gamer at heart and never made any friends for 17 years. She's your average girl that never went outside and only acknowledges her game, and also her food. Being very weak since birth, Pippa had to stay at home til further notice until she recovers from her illness. Pippa was home schooled for 14 years but graduated since she was naturally smart. At the age of 15, unexpectedly, her long time illness suddenly vanished and was like magically cured without an explanation. Despite the fact she had already graduated, she could still not work for she is still not 18 and is underage by law. Waiting to become an adult, Pippa still haven't left her comfort zone, to which is her room, and became obsessed with games and continued being a loner. Her parents, being concerned that Pippa did not experience childhood nor to act like a normal teenager, they decided to send Pippa to high school for the very last time before she becomes a young adult. They hoped for her to atleast experience being young even if it's just for a year. Having no experience in the outside world, never socialized, never made any friends nor encountered any human interaction other than her parents, how could Pippa suddenly understand the reality of being a teen and to follow up on how people feel? Due to lack of communicating, she's basically an alien already in others perspective. In one year, do you think Pippa could experience all the things that a teen should? Is love in the picture? Please read and find out.

The Unexplainable Story of Pippa Lawrence

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The Unexp...
by Imtheone16