one bite can change...
By noesie123
  • Werewolf
  • adventure
  • friendship
  • full
  • love
  • moon
  • supernatural


I was to scared to look behind me but I could feel the earth shake and the gasping of the wolf right behind me. A few yard away were a few trees. If I could try to reach them, maybe I could climb in one of them. But just when I thought about it my foot got stuck in a hole. I fell hard to the ground. I tried to get up but the wolf was already there. The wolf jumped on me and my body collapsed under his weight. Slowly he moved his head closer to mine and bared his teeth. He smelled like rotten meat and I almost started vomiting . And then he sank his teeth in my shoulder. The pain was indescribably I felt like I was going to die. But my pain wasn’t enough for the wolf. Slowly he moved his head in the direction of my waist. And then he sank his teeth also in my waist. It felt like al my organs were removed and were replaced with pain who burned inside my body. I felt my clothes becoming wet. I knew doubtlessly that it was blood. Than I felt something rough against my skin. Probably the tongue of the wolf who licked my blood . it wouldn’t be long before he would rip me to pieces. Slowly I started to see black spots and I hoped that I would black out soon because I couldn’t bear the pain anymore. And at that moment everything went black.

one bite can change it all

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one bite...
by noesie123