The Wish of One Aff...
By Hawkebat
  • Fanfiction
  • aric
  • ashara
  • consular
  • corso
  • dorne
  • fanfiction
  • force
  • genderswap
  • genderswitch
  • jedi
  • kira
  • knight
  • lbqt
  • lightsaber
  • orgus-din
  • qyzen
  • revan
  • satele
  • scifi
  • scifiction
  • smuggler
  • space
  • starwars
  • swtor
  • trooper


A Star Wars Alternate Universe T'aa Onasi had been robbed by the choices of her parents. Sean Olsen always felt he should have been a her. They wished for the same thing. This follows the SWTOR story line up the planet Taris. T'aa Onasi knows everything that is going to happen as she finds herself on the way to Tython. However, she just got forced to switch with the real owner of this body, and wonders how she is going to cope. Can she change things? Will she be fighting against a fate that she does not want and how far will she be forced to follow the script? Not at all, a little, or the entire script?

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The Wish...
by Hawkebat