Earth Bound
By _kennedymonet
  • Romance
  • destiny
  • drama
  • fate
  • friendship
  • love
  • mustread
  • universe
  • updating
  • urban


What happens when your love is strong but the universe won't let you love them. Nina Rogers has always wanted Matthew and she had him until he hurt her. He was her first everything. She needed to move on but her heart wouldn't let her. She gave him one more shot but fate and her heart has another plan for her. Matthew had it all, the hot girlfriend who was smart and had love at a young age. Plus his parents were filthy rich so he mostly got his way. But his first love flew out of his life to studied the arts. He found Lucy and everything seems to be right but his heart is owned by Nina. She gives him a second chance but why does the universe not want that? This story isn't your original Romeo and Juliet. Most of everyone wants them to be together, but is it destiny that decides for them? Or will they stay in love.

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Earth Bou...
by _kennedymonet