Out Of Ashes (Book...
By Jacklyn_Reynolds
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • harry-potter
  • lemon
  • lovestory
  • siriusblack


Sweet Jaci is being hunted by Voldemort for her alter ego the powerful and deadly Black Widow. To save her life, she joins the Order of the Phoenix and goes into hiding where she unexpectedly experiences love at first sight with Sirius Black, a man wanted by the Ministery for mass murder. ................................................... Suddenly, there was an explosion of pink fire, followed by a shock wave that blasted Sirius and Snape off their feet and broke every piece of glass in the room. Sirius climbed to his feet and ran back into the room where he found Jaci crumpled on the floor and unconscious. He kneeled beside her and scooped her up in his arms. She looked like herself except for snow-white hair and a fresh burn mark on her neck. Sirius couldn't handle seeing her like that and he broke down. "Snape," he pleaded, looking up at the man he hated with a passion, but desperately needed, "Snape please, help! Do something!"

A Need To Hide

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Out Of As...
by Jacklyn_Reynolds