Purple Heart, Red C...
By mccumpio
  • Historical Fiction
  • action
  • arrow
  • bataandeathmarch
  • drama
  • emilybettrickards
  • fanfiction
  • felicitysmoak
  • olicity
  • oliverqueen
  • pacificwar
  • philippines
  • redcross
  • romance
  • stephenamell
  • suspense
  • warfic
  • worldwar2


An Arrow historical war fic (AU) set during WWII in the Pacific - Oliver Queen is a marine and becomes a POW after USAFFE troops surrender to the Japanese in the Fall of Bataan in April 1942. He and his friends Tommy Merlyn and John Diggle are forced into a Death March where thousands of American and Filipino POWs die due to brutal treatment. He mourns his losses, including Felicity, a nurse and the love of his life, whom he presumes is dead when the hospital she was working in was bombed by the Japanese. Oliver miraculously survives the Death March despite his injuries when he was left for dead. Unknown to him, Felicity had also survived the bombing and is recuperating in the care of local villagers miles away. Find out how love leads them back to each other in the midst of chaos and suffering, and how they both find lost courage and contribute to the many valiant efforts in turning the tide of the war and liberating the Philippines from Japanese occupation. This is a somewhat "dark" action-drama, but romance blossoms in the midst of angst, chaos, and a lot of suffering. Word of warning though. There will be character deaths and descriptions/mentions of war-related violence because, of course, it's a war fic. There will, however, be no foul language and no gory or explicit scenes. A lot of research has gone into this in order to be as faithful to history as possible, but since this was my first historical fiction venture, please bear with me. Disclaimer: I do not own Arrow or its characters, just the idea for this AU fanfiction. They belong to DC, the CW, and Warner Bros.

Chapter 1: Left for Dead

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Purple He...
by mccumpio