Living A Normal Lif...
By Tetsuya-Chonie
  • Fanfiction
  • link-x-reader
  • romance-later
  • saving-hyrule


This is where you're living a normal life until you wonder upon on finding a wolf looking exactly like link except it's a wolf that looks like him from a game that you once played. When you were growing up your parents were gone and you were 17 living on your own side the forest in a cabin. There is not much of a backstory but you rather not say because it's too sad to experience once more. Until eventually he tells you that you are in fact the one he's been searching for the one who has the last Triforce the Triforce of light to bring peace to Hyrule for good and defeat evil for good to where it will never return, Hyrule will be forever in peace and never have to fight again.

Living A Normal Life and finding Wolf Link ( Wolf/Link x Reader)

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Living A...
by Tetsuya-Chonie