The 31st Lynx - An...
By Gobehyz
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • armored
  • core
  • drama
  • fanfic
  • mecha
  • scifi
  • videogame


After the horrific events of the ORCA war, humanity is divided. The wealthy and influential departed for the stars. Those left behind sought refuge under the polluted surface. 30 years have passed since, and stability has come to the newly founded Layered. Led by the mysterious 'Controller', the Layered has operated in relative peace. A new breed of Armored Core has been created and with it, a new breed of pilot. But these new weapons don't compare to the old world NEXTs. Michael Sharps works for the Global Cortex, as the go between for the Cortex and the company Crest. But when he isn't doing that, Michael does research into the old Lynx wars. Of the many discoveries he found, the most curious is the records of the Lynx. Thirty Lynx were in operation after the Lynx. But, new records show that another Lynx played a major role in the final stages of the war. But that is all. Michael believes that the secrets of Lynx Thirty-One may prove valuable for the layered in the future.

Pray for Ravens

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The 31st...
by Gobehyz