The Heavens Below
By JosieMayX3
  • Romance
  • adventure
  • angels
  • apocalypse
  • boyxboy
  • bxblove
  • diversity
  • enemiestolovers
  • forbidden
  • gayness
  • human
  • humor
  • lgbt
  • love
  • lovestory
  • mutants
  • originalcharacters
  • post-apocalyptic
  • prince
  • represent
  • romance
  • royalty
  • science-fantasy
  • sciencefiction
  • slowburn
  • wip


Whatever you think they are, they aren't anymore. Those pure, holy beings with snowy white wings and golden harps are nothing like what I've seen. I'd never understood it. A supreme being, living in paradise with all the good people who passed away. All those dead humans? This is not what they had become. That is not how they would spend the rest of eternity. Singing and dancing in the sky as they brought love and kindness to the world. Ha, don't make me laugh. Those are people. Good, breathing people. They are far and in between, but human. These things are nothing like that. They have hung up their halos. And they have come down from the sky. They do not sing. They do not dance. They do not love. And they are no longer kind.

‼️Regarding trigger warnings‼️ ‼️‼️

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The Heave...
by JosieMayX3