In the dystopian city of Paix, a large populace is ruled by a ruthless, blood-thirsty queen.She forced the people to be ignorant about the world beyond the city seas.The whole people of Paix were clueless of a free life, a life where the sun shines, a life where clean breeze blows. Pax McArthy is smart, aware and skeptic.She wasn't fooled by any of the queen's fibs. One day she discovered sun light.Growing up under a rebel's wing, she was educated about the ancient times when Mother Nature ruled.The times when there was wind and sun light.The times where every one was free. She craved for her tomorrow, but the queen was too strong for her.Her wit and skill wasn't enough to defeat the unbalance of nature. So she was forced to sit and wait for her chance of freedom.And it has come in the form of a mystic green-eyed boy.