Tall Tales - and ot...
By ThatGuy654321returns
  • ChickLit
  • bangladesh
  • dhaka
  • drama
  • engineering
  • romance
  • teenromance
  • unrequited
  • youngadult


"I think I like you", said Maliha, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She was expecting that Raihan will resonate her feelings but instead she got the reply she fretted to get till this moment. "I understand. But I think we are good being just friends". Although the conversation was taking place in the clouds, Maliha could imagine the awkward expression on Raihan's face. GODDAMNNNN MALIHAA YOU MORON, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO SPEAK MAN WHY ARE YOU SUCH A LOSER YOU FREAKING LOSER - her heart wanted to scream, but instead a sad ok came out. This. This is why you should never, ever consider dating. Like why are people so obsessed with relationships and dating to the point that you have to induce this shit piece of thought into someone who were absolutely and perfectly fine with a single life. Just effing whyy. But I think im getting ahead of myself. So here we begin. You, the person who is reading this,yes you. You need a context. Or else I can imagine you going all like 'who cares about this shit maliha and what happens in her life'. I'm Maliha but I'm going to refer to myself in third person throughout this story. Maliha is just your average engineering student, hopeless and frustated about life and with all the random shits happening every now and then. Born and brought up in Dhaka, she is a freshly brewed twenty-one year old with a never ending appetite for tea.

What to do?

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Tall Tale...
by ThatGuy654321returns