Daughter of Medusa
By bcrystalclear
  • Fantasy
  • dragonshifters
  • gargoyles
  • gorgons
  • monsters
  • myth


Ranked 116 #myth 29/4/19 6 #gorgons 23/5/19 Avery: You shouldn't have brought her here Alec: But Ave, it's the only safe place I know Avery: She's human, they are not our friends Alec: But.. She cut him off: Whatever you feel for her, do not expect us to treat her like one of us, least of all me. You know I'm not the only one who wouldn't want her here Natalie: What have I ever done to you to deserve this kind of hostility. God, Alec, some friend you have Alec: Natalie please.. Avery gave her a sharp glare, silencing her immediately: She may stay, but you will be the one responsible for her, and she's not to interfere with anything Natalie opened her mouth but Alec squeezed her hand and looked at her pleadingly: Thanks Ave, that's all I ask for ----------------------------------------------------------------- These are dark times, the pure bloods, full bloods had always had some disdain to the mixed bloods and the humans, but recently their hate escalated, and they have decided they will rule them all, if they cannot annihilate the mixed bloods, then they will enslave them. The humans were a lesser threat, but they will have to be handled the same way Despite their common enemy, there are centuries of hostility and mistrust between the mixed bloods and humans. The mixed bloods being hunted, called monsters and prosecuted for ages So when the war starts, and poucka hybrid Alec brings his human flame into their mixed blood camp, one of the leaders and his best friend Avery, part gorgon, part gargoyle mixed with human, is furious. She didn't trust the girl one bit, thought she'd complicate things& when a stranger's brought into the camp by unsuspecting half wood nymphs and Avery is wary of him, unsure what he is, the camp starts to turn against her, and the human Natalie only causes the scales to dip more to the stranger's favor against Avery, causing Avery to strengthen the belief that humans are not worth saving, even if they did share some of their blood


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by bcrystalclear