Stuck In A Virtual...
By GreenPopGreen
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • anime
  • gaming
  • otaku
  • reverseharem
  • romance
  • teenfic
  • wattys2018


When I said my life was all about gaming I didn't mean it this way... 10:01 pm on a Sunday night It all happened, I didn't listen to the weather forecast about a giant rain storm raging our way, I only thought that It was another bluff of those tight wearing skirt anchor. boy sure I wished I didn't played... It didn't took me long in game when my body and the virtual reality goggles started to shake and zapped me. as soon as I woke up, I was literally in game... I felt my avatars pain, I move with my avatar much more than before, I was my avatar. I became my avatar, If I knew this was gonna happen I could've went to a better place Instead I was inside the 200 monster pit. Here's my story, my story that got me And 4 other players on a quest to figure out what happened to us... cause apparently I wasn't the only one.


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Stuck In...
by GreenPopGreen