Red Never Gets Alon...
By Seamlessness
  • Fanfiction
  • actuallyjoshisrealsoha
  • blurryface
  • joshdun
  • selfharmmention
  • suicidemention
  • top
  • twentyonepilots
  • tylerjoseph


"So what's on your mind tonight?" the brown-haired asked while playing with the broken zipper on his jacket. Tyler had to be honest, "Blurryface." "Isn't he always?-" "" Tyler flicked away a small spider on his shirt, where his heart was. "No?" Joshua stopped messing with the zipper. "He leaves a lot...goes somewhere in my head." Ty rubbed his temples as Blurry warned him not to spill everything, but it was his best friend so he couldn't hide something as important as that. "He wants me to kill myself." Tyler murmured his eyes staring at the wood below. " want to stay alive, right?" "Of course I do." Ty lied to Josh for the first time. "So?" "He wants to kill the person I am." he tried to explain, "The person you see is the real me, the one I want to be. Blurry is my anxiety, depression, and insecurities...whether he's a figment of my imagination or not. He's still a part of me." Josh shrugged, then sat down in Ty's beanbag next to the older boy. "Well, crazy or not, I'll always be here for you."


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Red Never...
by Seamlessness