The Strange Girl Ne...
By Crazy_Lover1303
  • Fanfiction
  • friends
  • hakyeon
  • humor
  • idols
  • koreans
  • kpop
  • love
  • teenagers
  • vixx
  • young


Jung JeSun recently moved into her new apartment in South Korea, Seoul. An exchanged student from The States that got transfer to Korea to do her studies in University of Arts in Gangnam. A typical fan of VIXX (Starlight) - JeSun, got herself into heaps of trouble when she found out that she lives in the same apartment as VIXX and she even lives NEXT DOOR! JeSun also starts to have feelings for the leader of VIXX, N. The two starts to have feelings for each other. The only thing is that someone is after for revenge to stop them to be together. Find out in a hilarious tale how she maintains her place in the apartment VIXX as her neighbors and also how JeSun comes close with N.

The Strange Girl Next Door

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The Stran...
by Crazy_Lover1303