Zeus: The Autobiogr...
By DerekDenton
  • General Fiction
  • autobiography
  • biography
  • epic
  • humor
  • literaryfiction
  • literature
  • mythology
  • parody
  • religion
  • romance
  • satire
  • upmarket


'Zeus: The Autobiography' is a historical satire dictated by a deity to a mortal ghost writer who may have mixed motives. Zeus emerges to share the truth of the universe and his life. He boasts of absolute power and knowledge yet struggles with family, sex, romance, loss, middle age, usurpers, and other ongoing hassles of running the universe. Zeus seems oblivious to female forces that hold as much or more influence than he does. He takes us through creation to his birth in exile to leading the war against older gods to the peculiar origin of mortals to ancient history to early Christianity. He claims to still command the universe and protect mortals, yet why did he withdraw from view just as selfish trickster forces started to lead the world astray? I have studied Greek mythology, the Classical period, and Christian history for decades. I strive to amuse readers with both dry and ripe wit while inspiring compassion and skepticism.

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Zeus: The...
by DerekDenton