The Hidden Singer
By Ithinkdafuknot
  • Teen Fiction
  • abandoned
  • competition
  • death
  • familyproblems
  • heartbreak
  • hiddensecrets
  • hiddentalent
  • secrets
  • singer
  • singing


The International Vocal Compitition has always taken place at a high school this year it's coming to Hamilton High, school for the talented. Meet Hedda Collins. 18 year old girl who's on her last year of high school and god she can't wait to leave that hell hole. She doesn't really have a problem with her classes but the occasional bullying and stereotype groups of Jocks and Cheerleaders is why she can't wait to get out. But she's got a secret and that secret is that she can sing and I don't mean like just sing where you're kinda good but the singing when you open your mouth and everyone's attention is drawn to you and you only. Afterall how would you get into a school for talented people if you had no talent. Now put in Greg Atkins 18 year old boy who attracts attention of his good looks and nice voice. He's rich and he holds The International Vocal Compitition every year in different schools. He's looking for great teen singers that he can travel the road with. 《------♡♡------》 ''Wow... That was um... Wow" he said '' What never heard a girl sing before?" ''No, I mean yes, but that was in a whole new level what's your name?" I took that as my cue that he didn't notice me and just made my way out the library as fast as I can saying "Bye" Highest Ranking #1 In hidden talent #6 In singer

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The Hidde...
by Ithinkdafuknot