The Sanctuary - Loc...
By TamaraSwift
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Location reference guide to The Sanctuary, a realm within the Sengoku Visions Series Landscape. Regularly updated, the locations form a rich tapestry across several platforms, from Shingens Den to Twitter timelines and DMs. The list began because I got lost. Well, not lost EXACTLY, more I had to stop and think where I was. It was actually quite a cool moment, realising how much The Sanctuary had evolved from a brief mention at the beginning of the Sengoku Visions Series, to a living, breathing and entirely unique realm, brought to life with the creativity of some incredibly talented writers. More recently has seen a burst of evolvement within the Realms, so as a writing reference source, and a reader's sense of location**, this book is a collation of places, listed by category: Gates and Portals Houses/Buildings and Structures The Great Trees Mountains/Forests and Waterways Surrounding Areas/Offworld Locations ** - I wasn't lost, OK? Just... hmm, well, just turn the page.


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The Sanct...
by TamaraSwift