Forever... Maybe
By muslimahh22
  • Romance
  • islamic
  • jordan
  • love
  • marriage
  • muslim
  • muslimah
  • pakistani
  • romance
  • spirtual


Aliha first year university student in Canada, her parents come from Pakistan but she herself was born in Jordan and came to Canada when she was quite young. She had one relationship in the past that ruined her, it was nothing but toxic for her. She promised herself she wouldn't fall for another man and that it was up to her parents now but she still knew deep down in her heart that if the perfect guy comes along she won't be able to control her heart that's broken. Aliha from her past relationship is trying to recover, repent to her lord and become a better Muslimah. Through that journey, she has struggled with family and starts developing feelings for a guy who she met in her first-year uni. Hamza, on the other hand, is a guy who studies in Canada and is in his last year of university. He has had his past with relationships but now just like Aliha he has said promised himself to not fall for anyone. Never to love anyone or be romantic in any sort of way. Both Aliha and Hamza don't know what their future will be. Follow along with Aliha and Hamza's life... Will they be together in the future and will the problems that both of them are facing bring them closer or further away from each other? Both of them are broken and hurt but in very different ways...

Chapter One

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by muslimahh22