The War I Fought
By HalfricanWriter
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  • military


7/4/29 10:37AM <WELCOME OPERATIVE 197> <Stewart, Matthew> -REPORTS -TIMELINE -WORLD <Showing events of the past year.> 6/18/19 "Discord in the UN" In a heated debate amongst the members of the United Nations Security Council, a bare majority had voted for the inclusion of private military forces as the primary fighting force of nations, in an effort to aid in denuclearization and the creation of WMD's. The representative of China, Kong Wei Ning, made a bold assertion, stating that "When we allow these militias to become our primary fighting force, we favor a military who's loyalty is to the dollar, not to the flag!" Before he stormed out of the council building. In a later statement, Ning reported that China would be leaving the United Nations, surrendering their permanent spot to Germany. 8/12/19 "America's Inclusion" The president hosts an address to the nation, in which he introduces a man and a woman, Mathis Numero and Laura Lamina, the CEO's of NPM (Numero Privatized Militia) and LIF (Lamina International Forces) respectively. The president then explains that Congress has opted for a large decrease in the armed forces of the United States, with some receiving mandatory retirement and others re-enlisting into the private military sectors of Numero and Lamina. It is to be noted that these two companies are United States based, however who they fight for is bought. 11/3/19 "Scandal At Numero" In a report released by an employee of Numero, the anonymous writer asserts that the company has been training children to be the next stage of war-fighting. They compare it to the barbaric nature of the ancient spartan army, and how they would steal away children to train them for years to become the unstoppable force of the world. With a confirmation of this by the FBI, Mathis Numero was arrested immediately. 11/6/24 <REDACTED> 11/8/24 <REDACTED> 1/1/29 <REDACTED>

The Sandro Raid

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The War I...
by HalfricanWriter