Two People
By GrangerCat25543
  • Action
  • action
  • comedy
  • goodandevil
  • goodvsevil
  • romance
  • suspense
  • twotypesofpeople


There are two types of people in the world. I don't just mean the good and the bad, I mean the type of people who try to do good and the type of people who make it their job to do bad. Of course there are exceptions, there are people who do good for bad reasons and people who do bad but for good reasons. In our world though, no one cares for your excuses. We live in a world with no gray area, just good and evil. There are 13 men and women all from different lives, all completely different who, on your 18th birthday, decide who you are. Are you good or are you evil? Most people usually know where they fall but for Rosalee Adams, well she pretty much defines a gray area.

What Exactly Are You?

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Two People
by GrangerCat25543