zero • njh
By yowhatevs
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • drugs
  • fanfiction
  • friendship
  • growingup
  • heartbreak
  • highschool
  • highschooldrama
  • love
  • nh
  • nhau
  • nhfanfiction
  • niallau
  • niallfanfic
  • niallfic
  • niallhoran
  • niallhoranau
  • njh
  • njhau
  • njhfanfiction
  • one
  • onedirection
  • relationship
  • struggeling


"I don't give a single fuck about anything you say, Horan. None, nada, zero." cn//read disclaimer Sometimes, the past gets stuck to you. It just won't let go of you, clinging to you, like the aftermath of a bad dream. That's what Maia has to deal with since she started going to high school and all her friends from middle school changed. Sex, drugs and soccer are now a thing - at least the popular kids thinks so - but Maia likes to stay out of trouble. Just being invisible is enough for her to get through the days. Though, when she gets close to her old friends again - and especially close to the soccer teams captain Niall Horan - her whole world is turned upside down. Turns out that love and hate are separated only by a fine line.

zayn mad harry date

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zero •...
by yowhatevs