dream...~ ((self mo...
By kpopeanutbangtea
  • Poetry
  • beautifulbeginnings
  • bts
  • depression
  • dream
  • hardendings


"dream... may all of creation be with you till the end of your life. dream... wherever you are, will welcome you dream... may your trials end in full bloom dream... though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous" a song by the humble min yoongi, featuring back-up wonders, jungkook & jin. ever since the song came out, i never knew what it meant. i've been waiting for a site to upload the lyrics. i clicked the site/video. these are the lyrics that inspired me the most; dream... may all of creation be with you till the end of your life dream... wherever you are, will welcome you dream... may your trials end in full bloom dream... though your beginnings might be humble, may the end be prosperous those phrases had me going into a river of tears (i have crippling depression, which i don't know how to cure). so~~~ this book will basically my story of depression ((in a way of a kpop song)).

who knew?

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by kpopeanutbangtea