After Rescue Series...
By PageTurnersPen
  • Werewolf
  • afraid-to-show-love
  • claiming
  • luna
  • mate
  • mature
  • romance
  • submissive
  • suicide-attempt
  • tortured-and-saved
  • werewolf
  • werewolves-and-vampires


In this story, I wanted to throw some cliches and werewolf instincts under the bus. ............... Alpha Adrien of Onyx Moon Pack took over after the search for his youngest sister left his parents too broken and distracted to continue with their normal duties. During a long awaited rescue mission, he found his Mate. The new Luna was saved from a whorehouse that specialized in torture.... where surcharges for body disposal were a regular occurrence. She is used to not having choices, to trying in any way possible to please someone who rented was the least of the things she had to worry about there. Pushing a client to go too far and kill her was the only door to freedom in that place - or so she thought. She is now free in body, but not in mind. Adrien wants her to get used to choosing food, colors, clothes, TV shows... She looks to others for hints of what they want her to say or do to please them and hardly seems to know how to please herself. He doesn't want her to pursue a relationship with him because she thinks HE wants it, because she fears him, wants to show gratitude, or to be (or feel) safe. He wants her to want him for herself. He wants her to be willing to fight to have him, not just submit to his desire. Instead of claiming her as his mate, he wants to be claimed. Not the usual werewolf romance. Instead of being possessive and intense about his feelings for her, he has to hide them for a while. -------- Warning of Mature Content: This is intended to be the start of a series of books about women ( & maybe even a young man) rescued from a place of torture and horror that was owned by vampires who were outlaws even among their own kind. There will be descriptions of rape/ torture. Mature content may include steamy scenes, memories of abuse and the various ways that people can adapt to endure it. Warning: graphic harsh ...

Part 1 Preparation

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After Res...
by PageTurnersPen