By colorfulcate
  • Adventure
  • 2018
  • action
  • action-
  • action-adventure
  • adventure
  • districts
  • diverselit
  • dystopia
  • dystopian
  • dystopian-future
  • fantasy
  • fantasyadventure
  • memory
  • novel
  • projectwomanup
  • science-fantasy
  • sciencefiction
  • scifi
  • survival
  • xeavva


QUILTEME SERIES: XEAVVA 001 It is the year 2132, a year Xeavva wishes to be like every other day of her life- except, that's not the case. When she gets an offer from a man she has never known, make a plan to escape with a boy, and hide a girl that is in a more tangled situation than hers, things get a little too complicated. Xeavva's world is different, imperfect. Even though everyone lines up in a flawless way, they aren't high-classed, instead, they are treated like any failing nation that has ever prevailed on the surface. Corrupt, because of one family that almost succeeded. Now, Xeavva is between a rock and a hard place, unable to choose, she decides to help the Quilteme Federation. There are only a few options left for her to choose, and it's up to her to find out her path to success. --A story where a young girl has power and is stuck on the decisions she must choose. A saying with a twist: There are always more than two sides to every story, and some must find which side they're on. Started on: June 15, 2018 Published on: June 30, 2018 Officially published on: July 6, 2018 Ended on: ------,----

coming soon...

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by colorfulcate